Monday, 11 August 2008

Here's a scenic view of Namibia!


Mum said...

Hi Catherine
Thinking of you a lot especially when there are no glasses to wash up in the kitchen.
Hope you are enjoying the sunshine and like some of the food
Lots of love

MK22 said...

Picture reminds me of a view I have taken in the Natal Lion Park, but that's the other side of Africa! Hope all is well, missed seeing the back of your head this morning.


gillz54 said...

Hi Catherione, I'm having a few problems getting this to work but I hope this time you will get my message. The first one obviously did not go through. Sorry about that but i was thinking about you! Hope you are settling down well and wish you God's blessing and lots of strength for all the things you have to deal with which are so different from being in Europe. Love, Gill