Wednesday 17 September 2008


I've been back in Windhoek for a week's orientation! It has been so interesting. We've been learning about our aims with AIM, culture, AIDS, mentoring, history and have even been tested for AIDS. This was so that we could experience what it would be like for someone to go and get tested. It was a scary experience! My results were negative but it was still an intimidating time.

A bit like the Philippines - you can go from a Western shopping centre to a shanti- town within minutes. The poverty here is huge. Yesterday we walked through the shanti -town. It really reminded me of Manilla. The small houses made of metal sheets.

I have been teaching in Rehoboth for 2 weeks now. That has been such a whirlwind of experiences. I have felt discouraged somedays with my own lack of understanding as to where these kids are coming from. It wasn't until I took some advice from my Mum and entered their world that things started to change.

I asked them to write directions to the local 'gliding stone'. They did this and then we followed them. On the way they took me to their houses which again were just huts made of metal. They showed me how they eat sap and berries from certain trees. The told me the names of trees and birds and animals. Suddenly I was the ignorant one and they had the knowledge. It was amazing to see their eyes light up when I said 'Wow I didn't know that'.

These children are great - I love them already and am really looking forward to getting to know them more. It's great to think that people at home are praying for them. They would be very moved by that too I know.

Thanks for reading! Keep in touch!

1 comment:

Gordon said...

Hi Catherine.
It's been fine for a while in Bristol. Went for an Indian meal recently with friends for my b'day. Last Thurs went to Swansea to visit cousins & walked along beach & was taken to marina. My niece now works at S.Uni with disabled students.
Good to hear your progress.
God bless,